Importance of Condolence Tours

At Condolence Tours, we understand that travel is not only about leisure and exploration but also about paying respect and honoring our loved ones.


Sanātana Dharma places great importance on the practice of Sharad, a tradition based on the theory of Quantum Entanglement, that allows us to honor and remember those who have departed on our spiritual journey towards peace. According to our teachings, there is a specific time period of Pitru Paksha which last for 16 days each year, usually in September-October, during which our ancestors are believed to visit the earthly realm. It is our duty during this time to pay our respects and express our gratitude by offering them nourishment with deep reverence. This process involves a ritual where the first meal is dedicated to the sacred Fire, and second is to ensure that the Crow also receives its portion of the meal within a specified timeframe.

The significance of these sacred vedic rituals extends beyond particular individuals or losses—they can be performed by anyone, encompassing both human and pet departures. Some dates throughout the year hold specific purposes, allowing us to seek wealth, good health, and other desires. Each date is associated with a distinct event or intention. As pets, like birds, have become cherished members of families today, we acknowledge the beauty of this diversity, enabling us to cherish memories while progressing in life. Therefore, during our Condolence Tours, we pay meticulous attention to detail and offer guidance for your initial experience in the sacred Land of the Gods.

Our efforts in organizing these rituals not only serve as a way to pay tribute to the cherished lives of our beloved ones, both human and pets, but also significantly contribute to the local communities. By hosting these tours through sustainable practices, we provide employment opportunities for locals, helping to alleviate the economic challenges faced by rural areas suffering from migration and lack of job opportunities. Additionally, these tours offer a unique cultural exchange for our guests, allowing them to immerse themselves in India's rich traditions and customs.

We embrace these rituals as a way to honor lives lost in tragic circumstances, including wars, violence, and accidents that have had a profound impact globally. This serves as the driving force behind organizing our Condolence Tours. It is this profound sense of empathy and shared sorrow that motivates us to organize our Condolence Tours. We hope this addresses your initial inquiries, and we will provide further updates closer to the start of bookings.

For regular annual events, you have the option to contribute donations for consultation. On the final day of these events, we conduct rituals to remember and pay homage to all those who are no longer with us today. If you wish to access our Virtual Event, kindly provide us with your details. We warmly invite you to join us in India and discover the rich experiences we have to offer.

Why Condolence Tours?


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